Ever wanted to play the bagpipes or learn Scottish drumming? A session of new classes will start Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025 and will run every Wednesday for ten weeks. We have classes for beginner and advanced students of all ages for pipes, snare drumming, and tenor/bass drumming. Visit our Learn page for more information. Hope to see you there!
Learn to Play Bagpipes or Drums!
Ever wanted to play the bagpipes or learn Scottish drumming? A session of new classes will start Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025 and will run every Wednesday for ten weeks. We have classes for beginner and advanced students of all ages for pipes, snare drumming, and tenor/bass drumming. Visit our Learn page for more information. Hope to see you there!
Learn to Play Bagpipes and Drums!
Ever wanted to play the bagpipes or learn Scottish drumming? A session of new classes will start Wednesday, January 17th, 2024 and will run every Wednesday for ten weeks. We have classes for beginner and advanced students of all ages for pipes, snare drumming, and tenor/bass drumming. Visit our Learn page for more information. Hope to see you there!
Learn to Play! New classes starting September 20th
Ever wanted to play the bagpipes or learn Scottish drumming? A session of new classes will start Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 and will run every Wednesday for ten weeks. We have classes for beginner and advanced students of all ages for pipes, snare drumming, and tenor/bass drumming. Visit our Learn page for more information. Hope to see you there!
Learn to Play! New classes starting March 29th
Ever wanted to play the bagpipes or learn Scottish drumming? A session of new classes will start Wednesday, March 29th, 2023 and will run every Wednesday for ten weeks. We have classes for beginner and advanced students of all ages for pipes, snare drumming, and tenor/bass drumming. Visit our Learn page for more information. Hope to see you there!
KHPB is back to in-person practices!
The band is back to practicing in person! We are committed to having a safe practice for everyone. All players and guests must be fully vaccinated, wear masks when not piping, and follow standard COVID attestation and check-in protocols (including temperature checks) each week. It feels great to be back in the circle with everyone after 18 months online!

If you are interested in joining our exciting organization, please contact us at khpb@khpb.org and find out more at www.khpb.org/join
Check out all the recent videos by KHPB
During the pandemic, the Keith Highlanders moved to virtual practices and recorded several videos as a group to keep us inspired and working as a group. For each, players recorded their parts individually at home and we brought them all together into full band videos. Enjoy!
Dollar Sunrise: https://youtu.be/_Ui3cCF2yLQ
Grade 3B medley: https://youtu.be/EpH_BNN6bJc
Grade 4B Quick March Medley: https://youtu.be/ot3uhrrek_g
The Sound of Silence: https://youtu.be/zBVf4F-SVYM
Ananda Breakdown: https://youtu.be/2cNop5ZLnCs
The Merry Wedding Hornpipe/Pipe Major Charles Canning: https://youtu.be/gfe0alx82hg
KHPB Christmas: https://youtu.be/kk6Fwreqs5k
New Video Project: The Sound of Silence
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the band has been unable to practice or perform together for over four months now. Piper Tim Hutchinson arranged this popular tune for the pipes, including five harmony parts.

30 band members recorded individual parts (including piano and drum kit) on their phones and we merged them into this final piece. Hope you enjoy it!
Audio and Video editing: Tim Hutchinson
View on YouTube or our Facebook page.

2020 Competition Season
All pipe band competitions in the Pacific Northwest USA have been cancelled for the summer of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic; the third weekend in May would have been the start of the outdoor games season. So instead, the Grade 3 and 4B band members recorded this year’s Medley set and Quick March Medley set individually on their phones, and we then brought the audio and video together to create “virtual” competition performances. Stay tuned to our YouTube channel or Facebook page for future videos like these.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, KHPB continues to rehearse virtually via Zoom meetings and we are working on several virtual projects. Unfortunately all of the Highland Games were cancelled for 2020, but we have continued to meet weekly to work on our existing repertoire and several new exciting tunes. Stay tuned to our website and social media channels for updates (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter).